The happiest day of your life could also be potentially the most stressful. Keeping track of the many friends and family that you’ll see throughout the day seems like an impossible task. There are, however, a few simple things you can do to keep your guests excited over a long day, so your wedding will be rocking right up until the end.

Keep on schedule

Anyone who’s ever been to a wedding knows how tedious it can be when you’re spending time waiting for the next thing to happen. You can avoid this by letting there be no longer than 30 minutes without anything happening and making the day move in single, hour long chunks. Obviously there are some things that are out of your control, but as long as your guests aren’t standing around doing nothing, they’ll stay interested.

Layer activities 

Making sure you don’t pile on event after event is important at a wedding. When the guests are sat down, consider layering the speeches in-between courses, rather than dumping them all at once. This way, the guests aren’t forced to sit through 20 minutes of talking at a time, giving them something to look forward to.

Don’t just dance

The reception can often contain a long period of dancing, so consider breaking it up by cutting the cake. This way, there isn’t a full 90 minutes of solid dancing, so guests won’t get burnt out by the end. Cutting the cake will give guests a chance to refresh, then get straight back on the dance floor.

End on a high note

Sometimes, its good to leave them wanting more. Think about making your grand exit just as the party is reaching its peak. This way, your guests will leave with a lasting memory that they’ll never forget, rather than just filtering out at the end an hour after that party has died off.

Throw an after party

If you’ve got a lot of families coming along, you might want to wrap up your actual reception at a reasonable time, meaning you’ll have less sleepy kids needing to be taken home. An after party means you can invite those who want to continue the celebrations and keep on partying in a less formal setting. This way, the reception drags on less and you can end on a bang.